Forensic Psychology Services
Dr. Hayes has specialized knowledge and experience in the area of forensic psychology, which is the application of psychological principles and concepts to the legal system. Forensic services can include psychological assessment, consultation, and expert testimony. She is also licensed as a Sex Offender Treatment Provider (LSOTP) in the State of Texas.
Common referral issues for
criminal cases include:
Competency to stand trial
Criminal responsibility (sanity at the time of the offense)
Mitigating factors
Sentencing recommendations
Forensic personality assessment
Assessment of future risk
Evaluation of witness credibility
Trial consultation​
Given her interest and experience in both forensic and sport psychology, she is one of the few experts in the Houston, Texas area who specializes in forensic sport psychology, which is the interplay between sport and the legal system for professional and collegiate athletes.
Common referral issues for
civil and employment law cases include:
Emotional factors related to personal injury
Psychological factors related to harassment or sexual harassment in the workplace
Psychological factors related to discrimination
Fitness for duty
Trial consultation
Common referral issues for
immigration cases include:
Extreme and exceptional hardship
Political asylum
U visas
Violence Against Women Act
PLEASE NOTE: Dr. Hayes does NOT conduct evaluations for family law or child custody cases.
Fees vary depending on the type of evaluation. Dr. Hayes works directly with attorneys seeking evaluation or consultation services for their clients. Phone consultations lasting 15 to 20 minutes regarding potential services are complimentary for attorneys, but consultation will be billed at the usual hourly rate after a contract, agreement, or court order is initiated.